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Why we’re reviewing the List

18 April 2023

The current List of protected records for local authorities (the List) is based on the Local Government Schedule. This was first published in 1990 under the Archives Act 1957 and Part 17 of the Local Government Act 1974.

In 2004, ALGIM and consultancy SWIM Limited developed the ALGIM Information Management Toolkit. This contained a Retention and Disposal Schedule, which included the Local Government Schedule.

The Public Records Act 2005 repealed the Archives Act and Part 17 of the Local Government Act. The Local Government Schedule was reviewed and updated in 2006, but it wasn’t until 2013 that it was refreshed and replaced by the List and issued under section 40 of the Public Records Act.

We led this collaborative piece of work with SWIM Limited representing ALGIM. It resulted in changes to the ALGIM Information Management Toolkit Retention and Disposal Schedule. It also led to the creation of the accompanying Notes to the List.

There has been little change to the content of the List since 2013, apart from a legislation reference change in 2017. It is well overdue for an extensive review to complement the current and evolving needs in the local government sector. It also needs to be more future-focused and format neutral.

Additionally, there have been changes in our advice and guidance on appraisal and disposal, particularly with the Public Sector Archival Selection Statement.

The objectives of the review are to:

  • draft an updated version of the List based on the ALGIM Retention and Disposal Schedule that will complement ongoing changes to the structures and functions of local government

  • ensure the Notes align with our current recordkeeping advice and guidance as well as identifying any new guidance.

We want your feedback

We have now created updated draft versions of the List and the Notes that address these objectives, and we want to hear your thoughts. Use our form to share your feedback by 5pm, 30 July 2023. Please email your feedback as well as any questions for us or ALGIM to Read the updated draft version of the List

Read the updated draft version of the List (PDF, 422KB)

Read the updated draft version of the Notes (PDF, 600KB)

Download the feedback form (DOCX, 783KB)

Reviewing your feedback

We'll review your feedback and make changes to the drafts where appropriate. The final List will then be submitted to the Chief Archivist for approval and issued as a New Zealand Gazette Notice. Please note that finalisation of an updated List, supporting Notes and any associated Archives New Zealand guidance may not be until the current local government reform is more settled.