Te whakamāramatanga o ngā mahi tiaki pūranga — te putanga reo māmā
The care records definition — plain language text
Pānuitia te putanga māmā noa o tā mātou whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki.
Read the simplified version of our care records definition.
Ko tā te whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki he whakamārama ake i ngā mauhanga manaaki. Mā te whai whakamāramatanga ka āwhinatia ai te kāwanatanga me ngā rōpū whakahaere ki te mōhio ko ēhea ngā mauhanga e noho uara mai ana ki ngā tāngata ki raro i te maru Karauna me tiaki kia whakataungia rā anō te:
roa o te wā tika e mauria ai ēnei mauhanga
mahere tika mō ēnei mauhanga ā te wā roa.
He mauhanga pea ēnei e pā ana ki te wā o te tangata ki raro i te maru a te Karauna, ki ngā wāhi i whakamarutia ai rānei te tangata.
The purpose of the care records definition is to understand what care records are. Having a definition will help the government and other organisations know which records are valuable for those in care and should be protected until a wider decision is made about:
how long to keep these records
what to do with them long term.
These might be records about people’s time in care or the settings where people were in care.
He aha ngā pānga o te whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki ki ngā rōpū whakamaru?
What the care records definition means for care organisations
Ki ngā rōpū whakamaru a te Karauna he mea whakature tēnei whakamāramatanga, ā, me noho tiaki ērā mauhanga kua whai wāhi ai ēnei tūmomo mōhiohio ki roto.
Ki ngā rōpū whakamaru kore-Karauna me tō rātou kore pupuri i ngā mauhanga tūmatanui ka noho mai tēnei whakamāramatanga hei marohi atu ki ēhea mauhanga me tiaki.
Ehara i te whakamāramatanga nei hei tohutohu atu ki ngā rōpū whakahaere mō ērā mauhanga me waihanga — mō ērā mauhanga rānei ko tōna tikanga kua oti i a rātou te waihanga kē. Ka rerekē ngā ture mō tēnei ki tēnā, ki tēnā o ngā tūmomo rōpū whakamaru.
Heoi anō, mā ngā tūmomo mōhiohio e rārangitia nei ki tēnei whārangi e āwhina ngā rōpū whakahaere katoa kia mārama ki:
ērā mōhiohio e tino whaitake ana ki te hunga kua noho whakamaru, ā,
ērā tūmomo mauhanga me ngana rātou ki te waihanga, ki te tiaki hoki.
For State care organisations, the definition will be mandatory and the records containing these types of information must be protected.
For non-State care organisations who do not hold public records, this definition will provide a recommendation of which records to protect.
This definition does not tell organisations which records to create — or which records they should have created. The rules about this will be different for the different types of care organisations.
But the types of information listed on this page can help all organisations understand:
which information can be the most useful to people who have been in care, and
which types of records they should be trying to create and look after.
Ngā tūmomo mōhiohio kua whai wāhi mai ki te whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki
Types of information included in the care records definition
Kua waihanga mai ngā wehenga mōhiohio e ai ki ngā tohutohu mahi pai rawa ā-ao e pā ana ki te tuku āheinga me te whakahaere o ngā mauhanga manaaki me ngā whakahoki kōrero a ngā mōrehu me ngā hunga whai pānga. I te upoko o Noema, 2023 i tono atu mātou ki te iwi whānui mō ngā whakahoki kōrero, ā, i whakamahia ngā urupare hei whakapai ake i te whakamāramatanga.
Kua wehea ngā tūmomo mōhiohio ki ētahi rōpū e mārama ake ai te whakamāramatanga ki te tangata.
The types of information have been created from international best practice guidelines on access and management of care records and feedback from survivors and stakeholders. In early November 2023 we asked the public for feedback and used the responses to improve the definition.
Find out more about how we came up with the care records definition
We’ve put the information types into groups to help people understand the definition.
Te Wehenga 1 — Ngā mauhanga o te hunga i ngā wāhi whakamaru ā-Karauna, kore-Karauna hoki
Category 1 — Records of individuals in State and non-State care settings
Kua whakawehewehe ake anō mātou i te Wehenga 1 e mōhio pai ai ngā tāngata ko ēhea tūmomo mōhiohio ērā me tiaki.
1.1 Te tuakiri matua o ngā tāngata takitahi i te wāhi whakamaru
He mōhiohio ēnei e whakaahua ana ko wai te tangata. Tae noa atu tēnei ki tō te tangata whakapapa (ōna hononga, haerenga mai, wheako hoki) pērā i ngā wāhi kua noho kē ai ia me tōna whānau hoki. Hei tauira o ēnei mauhanga ko ngā:
tārua o ngā tohu whānautanga
kōrero tuku ā-hauora, me ngā
mōhiohio mō tō te tangata ahurea.
1.2 Te tuku ratonga ki te hunga i ngā wāhi whakamaru
He mōhiohio ēnei e pā ana ki ngā mahi kua oti hei tautoko i te hunga whakamarutia. Ka raua atu ki tēnei ko ngā mauhanga mō te whakanoho, te nuku, te tuku atu rānei o te tangata i te whakamarutanga, me ngā take mō ēnei whakataunga. Kua whai wāhi hoki ki roto ko ngā mauhanga o ia rā mō te manaakitanga ki te tangata, pērā i ngā:
rātaka o ia rā
mahere tauwhiro hapori
mahi kia honoa tonu ai te tangata ki tōna whānau.
1.3 Ngā herenga tuhi mauhanga mō te hunga i ngā wāhi whakamaru
He mōhiohio ēnei e pā ana ki te pēheatanga o te tiaki i ngā mauhanga mō ngā wheako whakamaru o te tangata, me ngā mahi kua oti e haumaru ai, e tika ai, e whakahoungia hoki ai ērā mauhanga. Ka raua atu ki tēnei ko ngā mōhiohio mō:
ngā tāngata e whai uru ana ki ngā mauhanga
ētahi panonitanga ki ngā mauhanga
ngā wā ka whakawhitia ai ngā mauhanga ki wāhi kē atu.
1.4 Ngā amuamu, ngā whakapae, ngā aituā, ngā urupare me ngā whakataunga e pā ana ki te haumaru me te hauora o te hunga i te wāhi whakamaru
He mōhiohio ēnei mō ngā aituā i tūpono atu ki te hunga whakamarutia me ngā amuamu e pā ana ki ērā mea e pā atu ana ki tōna haumaru, hauora rānei. Arā:
ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā tūāhuatanga i tūpono
ngā mahi urupare a te rōpū whakahaere
tā rātou whakamōhio atu ki te tangata me tōna whānau mō ā rātou mahi urupare, me ngā hua o ngā whakatewhatewha i mahia ai.
We’ve broken Category 1 down more to help people understand which types of information need protection.
1.1 Core identity of individuals in care settings
This is information about who someone is. This includes information about their whakapapa (a person’s connections, journey and experiences) such as where they have been and who their whānau or family are. Examples of these types of records are:
copies of birth certificates
medical histories, and
information about people’s culture.
1.2 Provision of services to individuals in care settings
This is information about work which is done to support people in care. This includes records of the person being placed, moved, or leaving care and the reasons for these decisions being made. This also includes day-to-day records of the care provided like:
daily diaries
social work plans
work to keep people in contact with whānau.
1.3 Recordkeeping requirements of and for individuals in care settings
This is information about how the records of people’s care experiences are looked after and what has been done to keep the records safe, accurate and up to date. This includes information about:
who has access to the records
any changes to the records
when the records are transferred to another place.
1.4 Complaints, allegations, incidents, responses and decisions affecting the safety and wellbeing of individuals in care settings
This is information about incidents that happen to people in care and complaints about things that affect their safety and wellbeing. This includes:
information about what happened
what the organisation did about it
how they informed the person and their whānau of their response, and the outcome of investigations carried out.
Wehenga 2 — Ngā mauhanga o ngā wāhi whakamaru ā-Karauna, kore-Karauna hoki
Category 2 — Records of State and non-State care settings
He mōhiohio te Wehenga 2 e hāngai ana ki ngā tukanga, ngā ture me ngā hītori o te rōpū whakamaru i roto i ngā tau. Arā:
ngā mauhanga mō ngā kaimahi me ngā kaitiaki
te whakangungu me te tautoko i whiwhi ai rātou
ngā tini kaupapahere me whai e te rōpū whakamaru i taua wā
Mō tētahi rārangi whakatepe o ngā tūmomo mōhiohio kua raua atu, pānuitia te putanga āmiki katoa o tā mātou whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki
Category 2 is information about the processes, rules and histories of the care organisations over time. This includes:
records of who the staff and caregivers were
what training and support they got
the different policies that care organisations were expected to follow.
For a comprehensive list of the types of information included, read the detailed text version of our care records definition.
Alternate formats for the care records definition
We are providing the care records definition in various alternate formats below. We'll add additional formats as we receive them from our external providers.
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New Zealand Sign Language
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Easy Read
The care records definition — plain language text Easy Read (Word 4.73MB)
The care records definition — plain language text Easy Read (PDF 1.83MB)